Sitting Walls: Are They The Ideal Hardscape For You?

If you plan to add a seating area to the patio near your building, but you don't want to use traditional wood benches to do so, ask a landscaper about sitting walls. Sitting walls are unique hardscapes businesses and homeowners can use to enhance their patios. The walls don't require too much maintenance and can withstand the harmful effects of rain, heat, and pests. Learn more about sitting walls and how to install them below. 

What Are Sitting Walls?

Many companies and homeowners use wood benches to create the ideal hardscapes for their properties. Although wood benches can add beauty to patios, they can also become vulnerable to rain, heat, and pest damage. Sitting walls, or seating walls, made of natural stone or concrete can be great alternatives to wood benches because they don't deteriorate under stress easily.

Sitting walls look similar to traditional retaining walls. Traditional retaining walls are structures that hold back or prevent rocks, plants, bushes, soil, and other natural substances from entering another area of a property. Most retaining walls may not be suitable to sit on, especially if they protect thorny plants and large rocks. Sitting walls come with features that allow you to sit or rest comfortably on them, such as armrests, backrests, and wide seats. 

Sitting walls can also be replacements for traditional retaining walls. You can use the walls to block off access to the living things, or landscaping, on your property, such as flower beds and decorative shrubs. You can also use sitting walls to highlight various areas of your landscape, such as small fish ponds or waterfalls. The hardscapes allow visitors to enjoy your ponds or waterfalls without disturbing them.

If you think sitting walls make the ideal hardscapes for your property's patio, call and request services from a landscaper today.

How Do You Install Sitting Walls?

Before a landscaping professional installs sitting walls on your patio, they'll inspect the location first. Although sitting walls are small, the structures must still fit comfortably in your patio without overcrowding it. The walls must also look and feel attractive to your visitors. 

To accomplish the goals above, a contractor may take measurements of your patio during the visit. The measurements help determine how long and large to make the sitting walls. The measurements also allow a landscaper to determine how wide to make the seating areas for your walls. 

After a professional obtains the measurements they need for your sitting walls, they'll ask you to select the materials, designs, and styles you want to create your walls in.

Learn more about sitting walls and other hardscape services by consulting a landscaper. 

439 Words

About Me

This Blog is Concrete When you want to add a patio, walkway, or even some permanent benches to your yard, you should call a concrete contractor. They can come out, give you a quote, and discuss various options for your project. The process of hiring a concrete contractor is pretty easy, but it is still a good idea to know a little about these contractors and their work. That's something we offer on this blog. The articles we post here will teach you some basics. Having read a little more about concrete contractors, you will be prepared to have concrete poured in your own home.

